Member Benefits

Benefit Summary
This 501(c)(3) non-profit organization was founded in 1938 and is the hub that links 16 districts, over 800 chapters,thousands of quartets and nearly 30,000 individuals throughout North America. Membership in the world’s largest all male singing society provides many benefits: A dynamic website, bi-monthly magazine, weekly and monthly electronic newsletters, how-to publications, and electronic messaging keep members abreast of news and current developments.

Society and district conventions, district schools, chapter officer training programs, and the highly successful Harmony College and Directors College provide opportunities for leadership, musical, membership and performance development and a forum for the exchange of new ideas. Encouraging vocal music in our schools and committees is a fundamental ideal of the Society and keeps music and the arts more relevant in these times of diminished focus and funding.

Musical directors, administrators, arrangers, composers, music educators, singers, and fans of barbershop harmony can stay current with the latest news and information in this field through the benefits of membership.

Perpetuates and celebrates harmony in the barbershop style
• Promotes fellowship and friendship among men of good will
• Provides the opportunity to experience the joy of four-part a cappella singing
• Introduces and sustains music in the lives of people everywhere

• The joy of singing and ringing chords in four-part barbershop harmony
• Fellowship and friendship
• Service to others through our music


Subscription to The Harmonizer Magazine – The Barbershop Harmony Society’s bi-monthly magazine, The Harmonizer, features interviews and profiles; chapter, chorus, quartet and affiliate organizational news and activities; opinion and commentary; coverage of the International and Midwinter Conventions; leadership strategies; marketing, membership, performance development and meeting programming techniques; advice on artistic issues; and free music in the form of a new “tag” in each issue.

Subscription to Livewire – The Barbershop Harmony Society’s weekly electronic newsletter, with timely news, links to important sources of information, training program updates, and tools you can put to immediate use.

Subscription to Directly Involved – The Barbershop Harmony Society’s electronic newsletter, published quarterly, with timely news, links to important sources of information, training program updates, and tools to help chorus directors improve their skills and the enjoyment of their singers.

Subscription to On the QT – The Barbershop Harmony Society’s electronic newsletter, published quarterly, brings quartet singers great ideas on performance, singing skills and programs of the Barbershop Harmony Society.