About The Desert Aires Chorus
Originating in September 1976 with just eight men wanting to sing four-part, close harmony, the group grew over the years to its present size with the title of Desert Aires Barbershop Chorus. The chorus joined the ‘Barbershop Harmony Society’ (formally S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A), receiving its charter in May of 1996, as the Sun Cities Chapter D-101.
The Desaert Aires has presented annual concerts for thirty one consecutive years, and has performed hundreds of times for various groups, as well as donating performances for charitable organizations and the Sun Cities Recreation Centers functions. They have contributed substantial amounts to local charities.
The chorus is currently singing under the direction of Cary Burns, with Bill Shaw as assistant director. (See more information under director tab.)
The chorus is achieving new heights in performance levels.
The Chorus hasn’t always competed with other barbershop choruses but has won the “Plateau A Award” several times through the years at the Far Western District Division 5 competition, with the most recent in 2023. In both 2023 and 2024, the Desert Aires earned the right to compete in the International competition for “Senior Choruses”. They opted not to go to New York in 2023 for that competition but will compete in San Antonio, TX in January 2025.
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In addition to sharing their music with others, another great passion is learning more about the art of acapella singing. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals and an essential component of the chorus experience. In addition to being the Desert Aires Director, Cary Burns is an International Society judge, a music arranger, and a voice/vocal teacher. will get coaching from a visiting master in the art of barbershop, where we learn many fabulous tricks of the trade.
Most choruses have a number of members who form their own vocal quartets in addition to singing with the chorus. The Desert Aires Chorus currently is home to a number of wonderful quartets, and we are very proud of them! See our quartet section to learn more about them.
Each Spring a Divisional chorus and quartet competition is held near Phoenix, AZ. Competitions are a special time for quartets and choruses from our region to come together to sing for each other, and get some constructive feedback from a panel of judges. The winners of the regional competition in both quartet and chorus categories get to travel to District Competition, which is held in the fall in a city selected each year. Our 2023 Far West District Competition is being held in Gilbert, Arizona in October.
The Desert Aires Chorus is part of the Sun Cities Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, a non-profit organization of approximately 26,000 members in choruses and quartets, worldwide. The Headquarters is in Nashville, Tennessee.